Yellowjackets and History: 10 Shocking Survival Cannibalism Incidents
Mmm, survival cannibalism. Nothing maintains the body’s metabolism and continuity like a little filet of Bob. Well, believe it or not, Yellowjackets wasn’t the first in the entertainment industry to...
View ArticleSilo Season 2 Episode 5 Review: Descent
Tyrannical despotism is a sly creature, and within the domain of the Silo, it lurks beneath the pretense of pseudo-democratic governance. The mask has long fallen, but people often take time to...
View ArticleThe Unhinged Christmas Wish List: Gifts Only TV Characters Would Ask For
A Christmas wish list is usually a kid’s thing, but since we’re talking about fictional, completely made-up characters here, why not? Have you ever thought about what some of your favorite TV...
View ArticleHot Mess Express: TV Shows with Chaotic Energy That Mirror Our Lives
We all have our personal experiences with chaotic energy from time to time. Some of us live it on a day-to-day basis. When I was in the Marines, we had a saying: “Hurry up and wait.” But when that...
View ArticleSilo Season 2 Episode 6 Review: Barricades
Starvation is one of the oldest weapons of war, and the ongoing internecine conflict in Silo is no exception. However, Bernard Holland does not have a strategic or tactical mind. Starvation is merely...
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